This website itself is very unconventional for a film website.
the main image is a shot of the protagonist of the film, and it both carries across the colour scheme and the look of the film (the slightly green hue, as well as the scan lines).
This shows that it is part of an overall promotional campaign, like I would like my texts to be viewed as.
The film logo dominates the right side, with much it being in darkness, which further reflects the film which itself is very darkly lit and claustrophobic.
Institutional information if given across the bottom of the screen, such as the names of production and distribution companies, and the film's director.
A video box with the trailer is also shown, which is a convention of film websites, as a trailer is the main way people find information about films.
The films logo has a red dot which is similar to the recording light of a camera. This represents the ideology of the film, as being a mockumentary it is filmed with a hand held camera, and so the idea of the recording light reflects how the film is shown as real life footage.
This is also reflected in the main image's degraded quality. the fact that the image is close up highlights the fear on the actresses' face and further emphasises the horror of the film.
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